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About / Information

What's this all about?

Spitefuls is good snarky fun about frustrating things. Everything isn't always positive and cheery, but sometimes the best way to fight bad situations is to find some humor in what's going on. That's at least my philosophy on things. I admit, the humor is an acquired taste... but its hopefully a good tongue-in-cheek acquired taste. Like lemonade... its tart and bitter, but drinking it makes you happy and it takes good. Spitefuls is life's lemonade. I hope.

Spitefuls is also a sandbox / think tank for other ideas I have / I'm working on such as The much talked about adventures of Papaya Piccadilly. Creating Spitefuls has been a great learning experience for me, and I'm thrilled to share it with everyone.

Who makes that stuff?
Everything is designed (for better or for worst) by me, but I have a lot of people who help me make my designs become finalized products for the masses. That list of talented people includes....

T-Shirts: Brunetto T-Shirts. Check out the other spiffy shirts they make as well.

Buttons / Journals: Mammoth Print Shop. They do other cool things too.

Cards: Abnormal Urban Clothing. Couldn't be happier with the cards they do... makers of other wonderful things as well.

As for the Disaster Dioramas Papercraft, those are all me.

Can I order by credit card?
I only use PayPal right now. I haven't found another cheap, safe solution to that problem yet. And probably won't. Don't hold your breath. Yes, that means you who is doing that right now. Stop.

But I don't have PayPal. What do I do?
No problem! I love checks and money orders too! Email me , and I'll give you the lowdown about taking your money!

How much to ship US? Will you do International Orders?
Spitefuls has low US shipping (FREE! for over $50 purchases) and I do International Orders as well. Shipping should be reasonable. Here's the breakdown:

In USD...
Order CostUSCanadaAll other International
.01 - 3 .47 .751
3.01 - 10 1.00 2.253
10.01 - 20 2.75 56
20.01 - 50 4.75 79
50.01 and upFREE 1012

Do you do gift certificates?
Yes! Everyone should be able to enjoy some bitterness! Feel free to pick up a gift certificate which can be redeemed through PayPal for any nifty Spitefuls items here! Gift Certificates can be provided via email, or you can print it out and give it to your happiness-challenged friend or family member.

How are the shirts shipped?
USPS - Sometimes UPS, but mostly US Postal Service.....

Why does stuff come in Ziploc bags occasionally?
I feel it locks in the bitterness. Though really, can bitterness ever go stale?

Other questions?

Email me... I look forward to it. There will be dancing and answerings of your questions! And maybe cake.

Online: Little Paper Planes - use to... i'm out of stuff there right now.

Physical: San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles

If you're interested in carrying my delectable line of products, Email me.

People who have talked about Spitefuls.... - 7/13/2010

Hide Your Arms - 3/5/2009

Papercraft Paradise - 10/9/2008

Geekadelphia - 10/9/2008

Didn't you hear - 9/12/2008

The Awesomer - 9/9/2008

DIY:happy - 9/2/2008

Neatorama - 9/2/2008

BoingBoing - 8/30/2008

Make Zine - 8/26/2008 - 8/26/2008

OMG Tees - 1/6/2008

TRoundup - 1/1/2008

The Daily Tee - 12/26/07

So Many Shirts and Only One Body - 11/30/2007

Tshirt Island - 8/13/2007

Hide Your Arms - 10/23/2006

Tee Junkie - 7/24/2005
Press in Magazines:

Titanic Post ( - Dec. 2008

     Content © Spitefuls LLC