Giving you a little something to snark-up your desktop background.
Spread the spirit of spite and snark with some desktop wallpaper. While these wallpapers are totally Safe for Work, do keep in mind
that you will probably continue to get quizzical looks from your coworkers if you have them up. But who doesn’t want quizzical looks?
Make your staple remover and rubber band ball happy today!
100% Awesome
There's awesome... and then there's 100% awesome. 100% significantly better than just awesome... No, not really,
but I'd like to think that...

100% Awesome
800x600 |
1600x1200 (.gif)
Enjoy Spite
Bitter yet surprisingly refreshing, Spite is best served chilled over ice and long brooding...

Enjoy Spite
800x600 |
1600x1200 (.gif)
Spitefuls Senior Computer Club
Celebrating DOS prompts, 64K, and dual 5" floopy drives! Now you can have a computer (TRS-80) for your computer
monitor so you can compute while you compute. Okay, that was totally not as funny as
"a function inside your function",
but hopefully the wallpaper is still cool and nifty.

Office Warrior: Raising the Bar
800x600 |
1600x1200 (.gif)
Office Warrior: Raising the Bar
Let everyone know you're raising the bar at work - even if that means you fail to cross it!
Show everyone that you've got that bar high on your desktop today!
Perfect for perfectionist, people who want to appear that they are trying while they really aren't, people who are
trying but just not getting ahead.

Office Warrior: Raising the Bar
800x600 |
1600x1200 (.gif)
PAN AM Bailout
Long ago and far away, corporate issues and alot of really, really bad luck caused
PAN AM (an airline in the US) to have to sell off many of their routes, declare bankruptcy, and finally shut its doors in 1991 after
60+ years of service. PAN AM lives on today as a railway line (in name) and nifty travel bags for sale. This wallpaper is a little
commentary on what's happening now with the US Economy and what happen then with this situation.
Of course, this commentary is a gross over-simplification of the matters then and now... In either case, it is sad and terrible
to see good people lose their jobs when companies can't sustain themselves.

PAN AM Bailout
800x600 |
1600x1200 (.gif)
.... and hopefully many more to come!
Now the fun almost legally fine print sorta part.
Don't get in trouble putting these wallpapers up. Remember, these are just meant as simple commentary and/or fun, and not to
address anything bigger or smaller in the process. Hey, talking about stuff is good, right?
Tell your boss you got it at www.spitefuls.com if they like them. Tell your coworkers and the water cooler that too.
Hug your fax machine. It probably could use a hug. Spitefuls is not responsible for you being fired, demoted,
or any other bad things that could occur from you displaying or doing anything related with these nifty wallpapers.
Spitefuls is responsible for any promotions, good karma, and happy things that occur from you displaying these
wallpapers – I'd like to hear about those good things. Drop me a line.
Wallpapers and ideas are © Spitefuls LLC except the follow: 1) Sprite Logo, which is ® Coca-Cola Company 2) PAN AM logo, which is ® Pan Am Systems. All rights reserved.
PAN Am Systems, please don't sue me.