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# Symbol 3 Pack

I wish there was some great, amazing explaination for this one. Really there isn't. This amazing design house, House Industries, does this great & Symbol. I just like it from a pure "looks pretty" stand point. So I started thinking... if there was a "Spitefuls" Symbol... what would it be? Conclusion... it was the #, Hash, Number, or (my favorite) Pound Symbol. So there you have it. Then a little Spitefuls + LP = awesome design! Mainly, because LP is unbeliveable. Little of the awesome of this design is actually me.

Of course, people started to immediately bring up Twitter and hashtags, so if you want to look at this as a way to Analog HashTag the world... I'd love to see it*!

*Make sure you get permission before you try to Analog HashTag the world! Real life trending topics should not be you getting in trouble for stickering things.

This is a full color, screenprinted, die cut sticker. Uncertain of its durability outdoors, but it should hold up very well indoors on notebooks and other flat surfaces. Probably hard to remove after you stick it on somewhere, so make sure you really really want it where you stick it.


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