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Spitefuls Senior Computer Club
The original POKE....

Dual core processors, fancy graphics cards, super larger hard drives, high speed- what? How about when you were just excited to see the DOS prompt or the power of Commodore64 commands (POKE)? Or when carrying around a 5" floppy disk was… oh, well, carrying a 5" floppy disk. Relive those 64K days with Senior Computer Club - now complete with dual floppy drive action! Oh yeah - Blu Rays - you've got nothing on dual floppy drive action!

[NEW!] Check it out in this Tron trailer (@ 3:02)

Tandy / RadioShack TRS-80 logo on the front of the shirt with "Spitefuls Senior Computer Club" text on the sleeve

This tshirt is printed on asphalt (grey) American Apparel Style #2001 and American Apparel Style #4305 for the ladies (100% cotton).

Plus for the first time, American Apparel Style #2412 Polo Shirts - for when you need to rock a collar and be classy!

Reg. T-Shirts ($18)

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